Monday, March 16, 2009

Eating 2 Stay Fit

I really love eggs. Trouble is the Cholesterol is not user friendly. My Levels tend to run on the high side. Now my hubby can eat all the eggs he wants and yes his level stay ultra low. Been eating (EB) eggbeater with yolk. I enjoy the taste but miss the whites. Could not stand the White only, even with added spices. Just did nothing for me.
So, today I tried something different. I started out with 1/4 cup of EB with yolk mixed with Canadian Bacon. Cooked that til almost done then added 1/4cup of EB Whites. Added my salt and pepper mix and finished cooking. It was great, tasted like a real egg. Only about .5gm Sat fat,which is acceptable to me.
If you would like my salt and pepper mix Here it is: White pepper ,Black pepper and Sea salt. Mix together- to your taste. Put it in a shaker and use as much as you want. On what ever you want

1 comment:

  1. Good for you on starting a blog about fitness! I wanted to let you know that you won the Starbucks card on my blog (Stop Eating All The Chocolates)! Congrats! Just send me your info and I'll send it to you.
