Friday, July 24, 2009

Freedom of Choice, Still Ours?

While surfing the Blogosphere I came across a Blog "My Life as a Mother and Single Parent". She had an arcticle on the HR3200, health plan. I thought it was interesting because my Dad was just talking about it this afternoon. His feeling is if this is passed it would promote euthanasia. His life would not be important to the medical world because of his age! I do not know if I agree with him. There seems to be a lot of opinions out in the computer world,newspapers, blogs, and individuals. I agree with the statements on this is a free country and should remain that way in the Medical choices of each citizen of the United States of America. However I do feel there needs to be some competition within the health insurance companies. As it stands most companies has a board of people( not always made up of Doctors) who decide if the treatment is needed. My feeling is, if a person wants to have a certain treatment and their Family Doctor agrees it should be covered! It does not matter if the company wants to pay or not. A person has paid into the company for years and now needs treatment for some problem, so it should be allowed. Oh yes one could go to the courts and have the judge decide but, sometimes the time needed had expired and the person dies or the treatment will not work because it wasn't started early enough before the decision is render.

Now I copy and pasted this Opposion to the H.R. 3200 for those whom oppose it. I do not have an answer to this health problem in our country. All I can say is we need to make sure we are still free to choose our Medical Care. I do not want a state runned program for all!!
The HSLDA recommends emailing the following message. You can use part or all of it. Feel free to copy and paste it.
“Please oppose H.R. 3200, the ‘America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009.’ I am opposed to H.R. 3200’s creation of home visitation programs through grants to the states. Parents, not federal or state officials, should make child-rearing decisions for their young children. Additionally, H.R. 3200 will expand the federal government’s role, the federal deficit, and will interfere with medical decisions between my doctor and me.”

What is your Feeling on this matter?

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