Thursday, June 12, 2014

Those Dreaded UTI's- Need a Natural treatment?

 Source Naturals D-Mannose 500mg, 120 Capsules

A few weeks back one of those Urinary Track Infections (UTI) started to show its head. Those are so not fun to have. If you do not catch it early on it can manifest its self into a really bad Bladder or Kidney infection. Women are so prone to these, because of our body makeup.

Going to the doctor can be such a hassle, getting in is sometime impossible on the same day you feel it coming on. Then they want to put you on Antibiotics, which I can not take the sulfa choice one.  The thought came to me there must be another choice. So I began to search.

I purchased two books on UTI treatments and preventions.  The Preventions was simple and already known to me. Wipe from front to rear, wash before sex (for both parties), urinate and wash after sex, and drink cranberry juice. Hygiene is the number one prevention. So that was okay to know but, what about treating it once you have it. That is what I really needed to know!

Well I found a treatment that is not Antibiotics.  D-Mannose herbal supplements.  you can get it at any Vitamin store. We got it at GNC and then Online. So the key to taking this is to make sure you are in the early stage of the UTI, No back pain or fever. Then 500 mg every 2 to 3 hours with a 8oz glass of water for 5 days. Yes I know you are thinking, what a hassle. But I will tell you it worked! By the second day  on it I was feeling better and by the fifth day I was fine. No UTI symptoms.  Like the fact I did not have to take Antibiotics or go to the doctor to be told what a already knew.

On the third day I added two other supplements,  Turmeric and Olive Leave Extract. Will talk about those later. For Now I would like to tell you how the  D-Mannose works. Most UTI's are caused by E-Coli from us not the food borne one.  Our makeup just can easily cause that to happen. The D-Mannose works as a magnet making it hard for the e-coli to stay attached on the wall of the bladder. When the e-coli attaches itself to the D-Mannose cell it becomes encapsulated  and get urinated out. Cleaning the bladder of the e-coli and preventing it from multiplying at a very fast rate. That is one reason it can develop into a full flagged bladder kidney infection  rather fast. So keeping a 500 mg in the bladde for every 2 to 3 hours works well in riding the e-coli bacteria cells. There were no side effects, like yeast infection or upset stomach.  One thing is you should stay away from sweets and caffeine for the five day. Stick to Water only. It will work better. Most of the juices on the market have sugar in them. The bacteria feeds of the sugar, so stay away from it, don't feed the bacteria. the caffeine is a drying agent and you want to urinate the bacteria out. So stay hydrated.

Now onto the Turmeric and Olive Leave Extract. These two herbs together help with other factors that could be playing out the the Urinary Track system. Sometimes other bacteria can be also  at play in the UTI. Adding these two will combat them.  These two herbs are known as Biofilm Busters. These works to break up Biofilm.  Biofilm are cells of resistant bacteria that can created a barrier to protect its colonies and continue to grow.  They are like a DNA strand  created by the bacteria. That is why sometimes it takes more than one dose of antibiotics to clear the infection. Adding these two helped in the last days and by the 8th day I felt good, back to normal. I took one capsule  of each twice a day with my food, breakfast and dinner.

How about a maintenance  dose to help in not getting the infections. Take two D-Mannose once a day with 8 oz of water. Take a dose of the Turmeric and Olive Leave Extract daily. I still slit it with my meals. This combination should help in preventing the Infection. If it helps and keep my system healthy it is well worth it.